Alcoholic fermentation Examples: Wine, Beer, Cidre, Met, Bread

The fermentation of fruits or grain grains for the production of alcoholic beverages (wine, beer) or bread is usually carried out with the help of yeast cultures ( mainly saccharomyces). These need sugar (in different forms) to produce energy and form carbon dioxide and ethanol (alcohol) as by-products. This excludes spoiling microorganisms.

Alcoholic fermentation takes place in four phases, although the pre-fermentation phase is only necessary during the fermentation of cereal grains in order to obtain fermentable sugar for the yeast cells.

Alkoholische Fermentierung
Getreidekörner keimen, werden getrocknet und evtl. geröstet.
Hinzugefügte Hefe produziert Alkohol und schließt verderbende Mikroorganismen aus.
Dufte und Aromen entwickeln sich unter Luftabschluss.
Fermentierte Getränke sind bei Raumtemperaturen lange haltbar.